for Excursions and Trekking
We offer great support for your adventures
in the Supramonte of Baunei
We support groups that perform trekking excursions along the coast, offering them the chance to be picked up along the coast and to be able to return to base raft.
We also offer the ability to manage the transfer of equipment from hiking and camping along the different beaches that are included in their trip itinerary.
Ci occupiamo anche della logistica necessaria agli escursionisti che percorrono i sentieri del “Selvaggio Blu”, sia per il trasporto delle attrezzature che per l’approvvigionamento alimentare.

- Porto turistico di Santa Maria Navarrese, via Lungomare 08040 (OG)
- Morning: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
- Afternoon: 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm